STANDARD - Multifunctional backpack Geron Baribal 35L

Product features
  • Width - 29cm
  • Height - 52cm
  • Depth - 24cm
  • Waga - 1915g

829,00 zł

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Enlarged Geron backpack provide 35l of usefull capacity. It makes a diffrence when comes to overnight adventures. This extra 7l of storage space allows You to packed medium sleeping bag and some other gear. Increased height is perfect for carrying load on Your waist. Numerous pockets, organizers and detachable modules makes it extermely practical. Designed to fullfill requirements of wide range of possible users: EDC enthusiasts, law enforcment, camera operators and so on.

Used innovatory patents and wellthought construction makes it unique and matchless. Advanced backpack carrying system provides comfort even when highly loaded. 2 main compatmend and 3 front zippered pockets keeps Your gear organized. What is more 2 velour loop tape interrior allows You to change modules due to actual needs. For example notebook protective module when going to work or colegge and water bladder module pocket, cargo module when You go hiking or simply walk in to the woods. . Large sidefront and shoulder MOLLE webbing panels combined with unique detachable modules system gives endless possibilities to upgradee backpack with new pouches and modules in the future. Not even counting customization options availble in our customization window before placing order. All of that creates trully custom and indyvidual fitted backpack that will suit Your needs now and in the future when Your life change.


Main zippered pocket located on the top is modeled on our best seller EDC waist pouch and Mini EDC waist pouch. It is easilly accessable even after clamping compression straps.Głównym elementem jest tutaj kieszonka na wzór Nerki Baribal oraz Mini Nerki. Special design of the front side of the backpack provides some extra space even when highly compressed. Makes it more comfortable to use front and side pockets with our unbuckling straps. Front, side pockets are perfect for some larger and slim objects like smartphone or wipes. Every zippered pocket is divided from each other. Entire front is reinforced with slightly protective foam which provides extra stifness and secure content inside the zippered pocket. Backpack remain in natural shape even when it is empty or geared up in top, front zippered pocket.

M.O.L.L.E. webbing on the front is 6 slots wide and 6 webbing heght with 2 webbing gap in sewn logo on the center. 3 rows of loop tape allows You to hook there a lot of patches.


50mm webbing under regular 25mm M.O.L.L.E. allows You to attach belt mounted pouches or insert some larger objects, for example axe, tripod, trekking sticks and specially located compression straps keeps it securely. It is also possiblity to attach Multitool pouch horizontally and allows You to grab it when carrying the backpack. Folding saw pouch or axe mount will be easilly attached when needed. Allow You replace from Your belt to backpack when needed.

Huge M.O.L.L.E. mounting are - 7 rows height and 3 slots wide is dedicated for all Cargo and bottle pouches allows You to increase backpack capability and functionality. We offer over 100 diffrenct sizes of Cargo pouches! Combine to almost unlimited customization options makes Your gear trully individual and suit to Your needs. Compression straps are extremely long so You can attach any sleeping mat or jacket.

Every loose strap on You Geron backpack can be quickly rolled and snap with included hook and loop on the ends.


Complete gear organization is our motto. Inside the Geron backpack You will find all kinds of elastic band organizer, general purpose pockets and special slots.

Light interrior lining is a huge adventage when comes to look for content in low light conditions. What is more high quality lining is very nice in touch velour. Specially good for electronic devices and metal objects. Knives, torches, smartphones etc.

Inside the main, larger compartment, on the back side there is no pocket. It is made from hook and loop velour for attaching special detachable modules or any morale patch. Modules are attached firmly and fully stable due to hook and loop and extra frame points. Depends on You mission You can attach notebook protective pouch, camera protective module, medic pouches or cargo pockets. D-ring on the center top and paracord loops are designed for water bladders hook or hanging any other pouch and easilly grab it from fully packed backpack. Zipper gives the access to back stiffener foam which You can also use as a siting pad or to ventilate the campfire.

On the other side of the compartment there are 2 mesh zippered pockets. In the top one pocket - small elastic band organizer creates 1 slot and 2 mini pockets (sewn sides and bottom) on small items as pendrives, SIM cards or memory cards. On the wide elastic band is also sew in norrower one with another 3 slots. On the bottom of the side is large, spacious pocket with hook and loop closure. It is best for rare used content like spare socks or underwear.

The most practical organizer is located in front, smaller compartment. Tablet pocket will fit 10" easillyNajważniejszy organizer znajduje się w przedniej, mniejszej komorze. Przegródka na tablet do 10" or B5 notebook (larger than regular A5) and 3mm protective foam gives some protection. On that pocket there are another 2 pockets 8cm wide, 2 pockets 3cm wide and 4 pockets 1,5cm wide for pencils or similiar size objects. On the bottom of this side of compartment there is 40mm wide elastic band organizers with row of universal 4cm wide slots. On the top another zipper for access to whole dividing compartments pocket when You can insert stiffener foam or use as deep zippered pocket.

On the other side of the compartment, similiar to the main compartment, there is hook and loop velour panel for office detachable module. There are also frame attaching points and zipper to access whole side divider pocket. You can insert there 3rd stiffener or protective foam made from Your old sleepeng mat and makes the Geron backpack exceptionally protective for You Every Day Carry stuff.


Specially profiled, wide and stiff shoulder suspenders makes You comfy even with huge load. Filled with professional EVA foam with propper thickness keeps it shape and elasticity for long time of intensive usage.

On the back we use 3cm thick and dense foam which creates decent space from Your body and allows air to moves freely cooling You skin and let it breath. On the top of the back side there is a flap with hook and loop closure for hydratation tube or comms to get out from the main compartment.

Extra 2 rows of M.O.L.L.E. webbing on the shoulder pads for mobile, knive sheath, snack pocket or navigation device pouch.

Chest strap is INCLUDED and You can easilly change the height for best fit.

On the bottom of the backside of the Geron backpack there is waist belt attachment. You can BUY IT SEPARATELY.

What is important 3mm space mesh was reinforced with super solid construction mesh what makes it extremely durable. Prevent it from ripping or tearing. It is also very nice in touch and do not damage Your T-shirt or sensitive termoactive sweat shirt. What is more the reinforced mesh is pretty heat resistant. It eliminate problem with damage from sparkles, campfire heat or bush scrathes makes it easier to clean.


On the bottom of the Geron backpack there are 4 frame attaching points for extra compression or carrying straps. You can BUY SEPARATELY or use with Your regular spare straps.

Steel eyelet allows spilled content to escape faster and prevent Your gear from soaking it.

We use best known materials:

  • japaneese brand YKK zippers
  • genuine Velcro brand/Fastfix hook and loop tapes (depends on chose colour)
  • original DuPont Cordura 1100D, 1000D, 560D fabric
  • Mil-spec nylon Polyamid webbing
Product grade

GERON 35L + 10cm

Produkty z Baribala kupuję od kilku lat i ciągle muszę powielać powszechnie głoszone tutaj opinie tzn. bardzo dobre wykonanie, szycie, użyte materiały itd. Podobnie jest w tym przypadku. Tutaj jednak poprzeczka została troszkę wyżej zawieszona, gdyż zamówiłem plecak o 10 cm wyższy niż w standardzie. Było to spowodowane moim wysokim wzrostem (195cm) i w celu prawidłowego wykorzystania pasa biodrowego. Trzeba mieć na uwadze, że o ile modyfikacja plecaka o dodatkową kieszeń, organizer, molle pasy itp. jest dodatkowym doszyciem jakiegoś elementu, o tyle zwiększenie wysokości plecaka wymaga przeprojektowania całego plecaka, który nie jest już zgodny ze standardowym szablonem. Mimo to po szybkiej konsultacji Baribal bez problemu zgodził się na taką modyfikację + oczywiście kilka innych standardowych. Jednak nawet te teoretycznie standardowe, przy zwiększonej wysokości, też wymagają dodatkowego zachodu. Ostatecznie przyszedł do mnie wielki, wysoki plecak, tradycyjnie bardzo dobrze uszyty i wykonany. A po założeniu plecaka, mimo mojego wysokiego wzrostu, pas biodrowy jest wreszcie tam gdzie być powinien czyli na wysokości pasa biodrowego, a nie jak w przypadku dotychczasowych plecaków na wysokości pępka czy wyżej. Jestem naprawdę pełen uznania dla firmy za trzymanie poziomu i szycie produktów wysokiej jakości, ale przede wszystkim za możliwości modyfikacji i to nie tylko tych oferowanych w standardzie, ale nawet tych wymyślonych przez klienta. To pozwala na stworzenie produktu idealnego pod określone wymagania, a do tego czyni taki produkt w jakimś stopniu produktem indywidualnym. Nie znam innej firmy, która oferuje takie możliwości, a do tego przy zachowaniu tak wysokiej jakości. Wielkie gratulacje !!!

Geron 35

Wielki , pancerny, wygodny , z mnóstwem zakamarków i pięknym misiem na środku :). Wypad na strzelanie z rodzinką? Pełen zestaw survivalowy, Amo, 2 półlitrowe termosy do frontowych kieszonek "na portfel i inne takie", bluzy , kurtki, żarcie .... A w plecaku mnóstwo miejsca. Codzienne zmagania? 2 duże laptopy z zasilaczami , segregator papierów i kurtka - bez problemu. Samolot? Szerokość i głębokość idealne do kabiny. Wysokość ciut za duża, ale wystarczy zostawić w domu usztywniacz pleców i lekko zwinąć na odprawie. Dla mnie ideal w codziennych zmaganiach i na weekendowe wypady. Po dodaniu kilku modułów molle może spokojnie starczyć na dłużej w górach i w lesie.

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See also
Product Options
Ranger Green Cordura® IRR 1000D
Black Cordura® 1000D

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